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Arabi Mubtaker (Innovative)

A creative, responsible and sustainable voluntary initiative launched in 2016 to demonstrate the ability of the Arabic language to build a knowledge society and encourage creativity and innovation.

 Won the Emirates Ideas Award 2017: Creativity in promoting the Arabic language.

Implementing community service penalties to achieve the goal of issuing traffic fines

In 2016, I submitted my suggestion to Dubai Police to add an option of applying community service penalties as an alternative to imposing financial fines in a way that contributes to deterring violators and achieving the purpose of issuing traffic violations. It took more than a year to study the proposal and discuss its details to become a reality with the issuance of Ministerial Resolution No. 41 / 2017, which results in a ruling to perform community service work on 84 people who were convicted of various crimes in 2017.

I am very happy and proud of the application of my suggestion and the positive resonance it left in the various segments of UAE society.

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جائزة أفكار الإمارات 2017.jpg
عربي مبتكر 2017.jpg
وسام رئيس مجلس الوزراء للموظف ين المبتكرين 2016.jpg
جوائز مجموعة بريد الإمارات للتميز  2015.jpg
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عرض مبادرة عربي مبتكر خلال المؤتمر الدولي السادس للغة العربية 2017.jpg
عربي مبتكر - جائزة أفكار الإمارات 2017.jpg
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